This weeks Underground Artist Review, has the pleasure of bringing to you, the group Grayskul. For those of you who have not been privileged enough to see these amazing artist live, you will get an overview today that will persuade you to do so and soon. Grayskul is made up of members Onry Ozzborn, JFK, and Rob Castro. These great artists are currently residing on Rhymesayers Entertainments' label.
The only complaint I had was that many of the songs and rhythm styles seemed the same. As I moved from song to song on the CD I felt the way the band put their lyrics to song was very similar in sound (same inflection on each verse of each song on the CD) but if that is the worst thing on the CD they are doing better then 98% of underground artists out there, that I could write a page of what they are doing that bothers me musically.
Grayskul also released these albums in 2005: Creature, Wand and The Gun.
Grayskul also released these albums in 2007: Facefeeder, Scarcrow, and Prom Quiz
The next CD that Grayskul put out is called Graymaker (2009). I enjoyed the change of pace in this album. The tempo was slowed down a bit, but the lyrical content was till present. Songs that make you think and see things in our world that many people turn a blind eye too or may not recognize, made for amazing songs that will last the test of time. Songs from this CD that really stood out for me were "Bread and Wine", "Duece Duece", and "Drapes". The album had a mix of slower beats and quicker tempos. I feel that each album has shown more growth and more lyrical maturity then the previous CDs.
Grayskul has not released an album since 2009, which makes for the longest time period between albums since 2005. I hope that Grayskul has something amazing in the works for fans. The last Facebook post showed they were playing in Seattle in Sept 2012. So we know that Grayskul is still working and producing music, and until they release another anticipated album we will be patiently waiting. For the power of Grayskul can not be contained nor eliminated. So tell your Grayskul fans that the band is in the midst of their "super special, awesome ultra special, sexy transformation sequence...go! (Grayskull quotes).
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